Thursday, January 31, 2008

Whoa...Two in One Day

Most people have given up on me ever posting, so most people probably won't even know this happened until groundhog day. Still, I was reading my friend Erin's blog, A Blog Named Betty, and she shared a stream-of-consciousness moment with her daughter. It reminded me of one recently, so I thought I would share.

We were eating soup, which had alien looking mushrooms in it.

DD: What are those weird things?

Me: Mushrooms--just try them, they taste kind of like meat.

DD: So, you know, there was this time when we were mad at Japan, and this thing fell and blew them all up.

Me: Huh? What thing?

DD: You know, that thing that blew everybody up--an atom bomb.

Me: What does that have to do with soup?

DD: It looks like a mushroom.

Me: Ahhhhhhh


  1. Yup. These girls are nothing if not random! I got a good giggle out of that one!

  2. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! I love stream of consciousness I'm off to read about Erin's.
