Monday, December 8, 2008

Catching up with Mr. Mischievious

Colin has always been, and always will be, a big tease. He comes by it genetically through his y chromosome, and no matter how much I try to inflict civility on him, family togetherness always ends up with his sister screaming and tattling, and him trying to look innocent, and perhaps even injured--until now!

I've noticed that since Kendall had her 11th birthday, she is starting to beat Colin at his own game. She still falls for the occasional "fib"--No, Kendall. Eggnog is not made from rotten eggs even if Colin said so...

But more often than not, she is successfully ignoring his shenanigans (that's my word of the month, along with dither). Sunday, Colin made a whole bunch of Taquitos for lunch--I believe there were enough for each of us to have 4. When they were finished, he announced to us that we should eat. Kendall wasn't in the mood. This drove him crazy, because he doesn't like anyone else to still be eating their yummy food once his is gone, lest he feel taunted by their continued eating enjoyment. So, he kept bugging Kendall to eat them, and threatening her that he was going to eat them if she didn't, and offering them to me to eat, but to no avail! She simply refused to react to Colin. "Soon," she kept saying. "I'll eat them soon."

Colin's attempts got ever more desperate until I heard Colin call from the kitchen, "Kendall, come look at your Taquitos," which weren't there because he had hidden them. Not real savvy for a 16 year old, but I guess he was feeling a bit off-kilter. She glanced over and noticed they weren't there, and DID NOTHING!!! No tattling, no screaming, no begging or chasing Colin around. She simply said "oh" and looked back at the computer screen. Colin stood there, completely befuddled.

Finally, about 10 minutes later he flat out told her that he hid her Taquitos in the bathroom, and maybe she should go find them. It's kind of like telling the punchline to a joke--the whole point kind of dies a slow painful death. The real joke, though, was when Kendall finally went down to the bathroom to get her lunch, she wasn't greeted by her Jose Ole Chicken and Cheese Taquitos wrapped in flour tortillas. Instead, she was greeted by Peanut as he tore out of the bathroom, fat and happy from the taquito lunch he just enjoyed thanks to the politics of a couple of silly kids on a Sunday afternoon!


  1. Too funny!! At least some creature is satisfied at the end of those shenanigans (sp?).

  2. HAHAhAHAHAHAHAHA! oh my goodness. thats awesome! Colin, Kendall rocks! you'd better watch out :D
    mm... taquitos sound good.
    hee hee..
