So, imagine my excitement when I realized my summer was jam-packed with entertaining, blog-worthy events: a week in Sunriver, a week at Girl's Camp, a son traveling to Beijing for the Olympics, the sun showing its face in Salem, Oregon. I'm feeling giddy even now, reliving the giddiness of it all (giddy, giddy, giddy).
One small little factoid escaped my attention, however, with all those endorphins mixing with adrenaline and seratonin (now there's a high you can take to the bank), when you are busy LIVING life, you don't exactly have the time or the inclination to be BLOGGING life--at least I don't. Maybe that's what fall is for--kids go back to school, life slows down a bit during the day, and I write my "What I Did Last Summer" essay.
In the meantime, here are a few photographic highlights to serve as teasers of posts to come.
My diplomatic summit with the Ambassadors of Philomath and Falls City
At a Charity Benefit for "Homeless Heroes on Hootch"
Kyle wondering if the Great Wall of China were to fall down, and there was no one there to hear it, would it make a noise?
Never say never...Peanut eating his own poop could be totally blog-worthy -- maybe if I forbid you to write about it. Does that make you feel like you must tell all?